Monday, March 09, 2009

Nosedive Productions Gets Nasty -- A Fundraiser

Today I received the following from James Comtois, via Pete Boisvert, both of Nosedive Productions:

Well, gang. As the old saying goes, “There’s no such thing as a free erection in this town” (yes, it’s a saying, I’m sure of it, don’t look at me like that). At 10 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11 at Under St. Mark’s Theatre, we here at Nosedive Central are working under that paradigm with our latest spectacular fundraising show, Nosedive’s Disturbing Burlesque.

Sexy with a capital “creepy,” Nosedive’s latest fundraising caper offers an evening of lovely ladies performing unnerving burlesque acts guaranteed to make your pulse quicken and skin crawl. Hosted by that lovable rapscallion, Bastard Keith. Proceeds from the show go towards funding Nosedive Productions’ spring show, Infectious Opportunity.

And if for some insane reason you are unable to attend (seriously? You’re gonna miss out on a night of drinking and disturbing nudity?), you can always mitigate your guilt by donating to Nosedive Productions here. Details are below.

Disturbing the performers,

James “Handsy-Pants” Comtois
Nosedive Productions presents

Nosedive's Disturbing Burlesque
Lovely Ladies. Bastard Host. Disturbing Company.

Featuring Unwholesome Performances by Dirty Diva — Madame Rosebud — Nasty Canasta — Sapphire Jones. Hosted by Bastard Keith.

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
Doors open at 9 pm — Show at 10 pm
$20 Admission

Under St Marks Theatre
94 St. Marks Place, between 1st Ave. & Avenue A

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