Tuesday, June 19, 2007


On today's issue of Browsing:

1) This article in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune is one of the better calls I've read in some time on behalf of critics and criticism. Trouble is, there's still the whole print vs. Web business model to work out, plus the fact that no one likes critics...

2) Should Ian McKellen strip down to his skivvies -- or beyond -- when he plays Lear in Singapore? My instinct was to say, you know what Singapore? We're gonna take our Shakespeare and go play elsewhere. But the more I think about it, how much better is it to engage people than to disengage with them. So, Sir Ian, keep your booty unrevealed. Plus, we already know you have your, um, SAG card...

3) My pal Matt Freeman has proposed the idea of national premieres for plays. Actually, here's the link to the piece that got Matt thinking. This is very much in the vein of 365 Plays/365 Days, actually, and a nifty idea. What org. would coordinate? How would it work? To be discussed...

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Freeman said...

Erm, it's actually my piece that got THEM thinking, and my commentors that got ME thinking, but heck, who's counting?

I kid. I just think it's a darn cool idea.

Susan said...

Regarding item #3 - have you heard of this organization? I work at a NYC theater that focuses on new American writers, and I just heard of it:

Anyway, they're going for something similar. While it doesn't include the idea of the show opening on the same night (or opening in 25 theaters), it does try to get one play produced in several theaters nationwide. Interesting.