Friday, June 01, 2007

Arts Advocacy Addendum

As an addendum to my arts advocacy-related posts below, I receive an email blast from Americans for the Arts' Cultural Policy Listserv every week and I suggest you subscribe to it. It is free and excellent source of news and information.

Here are some links to stories from the most recent blast...with commentary. I'll make this a weekly feature if you likeeee...

Bosley Announces Creative Economy Legislation (North Adams, MA), 5/28/2007
The whole point, really, is that the economic impact of the arts begins at the local level.

South Valley City Looking to Get Artistic Makeover (Fresno, CA), 5/23/2007
Didn't I just say that the whole point, really, is that the economic impact of the arts begins at the local level?

Art classes may become mandatory
Fay Observer (Fayetteville, NC), 5/29/2007
Just don't make them sing any musical-theatre songs...because you know what'll happen then.

Blowing into town
Sacramento Bee (CA), 5/26/2007
This kind of story comes up all the time. If memory serves, the Voice did a similar piece some time ago. I'd like to blame Bush, but then again, this is the same U.S. of A that managed to let a contagious lawyer with TB slip through its grasp.

Arts Economy Is Robust, Report Finds
Philanthropy News Digest, 5/23/2007
I blogged about this down below.

Electronic Highway Billboards For Arts Hit Roadblock
Gazette (Long Beach, CA), 5/25/2007
This reminds me of a story I wrote about two or three years ago about a place in Montana where the citizenry voted down a proposal to tax something like seven mills to the dollar for the arts - a mill is 1/10th of a cent.

Hawaii film rebate heightens its aloha allure
Reuters - Hollywood Reporter, 5/27/2007
Get lei'd.

Ohio Wants More Action For Making Films In State (Cleveland, OH) - AP, 5/28/2007
Of course, getting lei'd in Ohio is no longer criminal, now that the Republicans are no longer running the state.

With Budget Cuts, House Panel Scolds Troubled Smithsonian
Washington Post, 5/24/2007
Said Mrs. Pelosi, "Bad Smithsonian! Bad! Bad, bad, bad! Now kiss Mommy and tell her you love her anyway."

Ga. Judge: Keep Potter Books in School
Washington Post - AP, 5/29/2007
I kept hoping the plaintiff's name was Samantha or Endora, but no such luck.

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