New Review: The Castle

Yes, I caught up on a show that opened four months that I hadn't seen but wanted to, owing, among other things, to my interest in documentary theatre.
This review of The Castle was for New York Press.
Here's the tease:
Molasses in high humidity is an apt metaphor for the New York theater in late August—that lazy juncture between the ending of umpteen festivals and the starting of a new season. It’s an opportune time to catch up with productions missed earlier in the year, and one—a 55-minute amuse bouche of documentary theater called The Castle—has been performing once a week at New World Stages since April, extending its run several times. It’s written by and stars four ex-cons—Vilma Ortiz Donovan, Kenneth Harrigan, Angel Ramos and Casimiro Torres—who sit on stools and recall, using bound scripts, the unusually cruel and moving rollercoaster of their lives. Sphere: Related Content
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