Thursday, November 22, 2007

News from the League of Independent Theater

John Clancy, on his blog, put up the latest version of the Statement of Purpose for the League of Independent Theater. Do send any comments to me so I can pass them along.

The League of Independent Theater (LIT) is the association of theater professionals working in New York City theaters of up to 99 seats. LIT's mission is to organize and protect its members to ensure that independent theater is economically viable for all of its practitioners. We will advocate on behalf of the decades-old tradition of off-off Broadway theater to ensure that it remains, and grows, as a thriving artistic and economic sector in New York City.

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Unknown said...

Three cheers and all that but, if you count its origin as the Little Theater movement in NYC, and I think you should, then OOB is just about to have its 100th anniversary right LJ?


Unknown said...

Three cheers and all that but, if you count its origin as the Little Theater movement in NYC, and I think you should, then OOB is just about to have its 100th anniversary right LJ?
