Friday, January 02, 2009

Fox News, Fox Forum, The Strategy Room and More

A little more than a month ago, I was booked to promote my book, Historic Photos of Broadway, on The Strategy Room, which is a nine-hour daily program live-streamed on the site, as opposed to broadcast over the airwaves. It's still shot in a studio and the seven famously banned words still apply, but otherwise a whole new familiar approach to news.

In my case, I was booked to promote my book on the 12pm entertainment hour, but just as often, if not more so, they've booked me on the 9am political/news show, which is certainly interesting, given the predominant political views of the Fox brethren and the fact that I don't subscribe to their radicalized viewpoints.

Except -- and here's the truly crazy thing -- many of them aren't radicals or holding radical viewpoints, I'm finding. And that's very enlightening. No, I'll never be a Republican -- I'd rather die in the flames of hell -- but it's awfully fascinating to be dwelling now and then in the supposed belly of the Republican beast and to observe less, um, bestality that I initially thought I'd find.

Anyway, while at Fox one day I was put in touch with Lynne Jordal Martin, a longtime toiler in the highways and by-ways of TV news (at CBS), and who is now managing The Fox Forum, the network's still-in-process blog that is designed to be like The Huffington Post. By agreement, I'll be writing essays on arts-and-politics topics two to three times a month for it. But as a way to get started, Lynne asked me to participate in something she put together for all the contributors for the end of the year. You can read my wish list as well as my predictions for 2009 here.

Nice way to start off the year, yes?

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