Congressman George Miller to Hold Hearings on Fiscal Impact of Arts and Music Industry
This post is cross-posted at the new Clyde Fitch Report, which is in beta. Do check it out and send comments.
Just received an email from Mike Kruger, Online Outreach Specialist for Congressman George Miller (D-CA), who chairs the House Committee on Education and Labor. On Thurs., March 26, Congressman Miller will convene a hearing at 10am on "The Economic and Employment Impact of the Arts and Music Industry." I am currently trying to determine whether I can attend, but I am told that the hearing, which is open to the public, will also be webcast live as well.
I'll post more information as it becomes available to me, including the list of witnesses, which is still to be announced.
I like the layout of the new site. The wider width makes it easier to read some of the longer posts, and the top tabs help me to skip over the political and/or release information that I don't need, which means I'm more likely to actually READ the content you post that I *DO* engage with. Also, if you bring on other writers (given that slick "Clyde Fitch" masthead), I'm curious to see what direction you end up going, particularly as you've been/are an editor.
(Sorry for posting this in this thread; feel free to not post this.)
Well, I'd love to have YOU writing for the new site, if you're into it.
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